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One of the most common questions I get (and to be honest I ask myself this question a lot too) is what should I wear?? Now I know a lot of photographers create guides and posts blogs about this question, but not every photographer’s opinion is the same. So I thought I would share my take on it!
First things first… LADIES, DITCH THOSE HAIRTIES!! Yes, the one around your wrist in case you need to put your hair up. Leave it in the car!! Trust me! Your images will look so much better without them, they are a big distraction and not easy to edit out!
Wear something that you’ll be comfortable in! I know we all like to think “oh, I’ll only have it on for a little while I can survive” BUT if you’re uncomfortable in your outfit, that’s going to convey through your images. Your range of motion will be much stiffer, you won’t be as carefree and happy, and most importantly we all smile a little wider when we feel confident!
Find something that represents your personality! If you’re a fun, energetic, outgoing person maybe try a brighter color palette like yellows or oranges to really express your personality. I want your images to represent YOU, not a posed or unrealistic version of you. Wear an outfit you would normally wear!
It’s so easy to get caught up in the small details of what earrings to wear, or which shirt makes me look skinnier, but at the end of the day what matters is that you are comfortable, confident and true to who you are.
“Self confidence is the best outfit. Rock it. Own it.”
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